This is been making some waves in the blogger community but has gone largely unnoticed to the rest of the public. Last night Larry King interviewed Bill Maher and in the interview Bill stated that many top ranking GOP members are gay. He went so far as to out Ken Mehlmen (RNC Chairman). CNN quickly edited this out of the broadcast and cease and desist orders have been sent to YouTube by CNN to remove all CNN videos from their site. Looks like this ruffled some feathers in the Grand Ole Party. The Huffington Post is still airing the original and edited versions of this interview.
It appears that Bill has sworn to out more closeted GOP members tonight on his show Real Time with Bill Maher. Everyone set your Tivo's, DVR's or VCR's to record it!!
Theres a way to get ratings! I love it.
It's very disturbing that in this day and age we have to "Out People" to make the party realize that gay is everywhere! The only problem with outing these assholes is they will end up saying they need to be "Cured", or it is a disease! Believe me, no one wants them NOT to be gay more than the GLBT community!
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