The Chronicles of Natoma

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Highly Annoyed

Last night two of our friends held a get together at their apartment on Castro St. for Halloween (a big thanks to you both for doing that). At some point we all decided to migrate down to mix with the party crazies on the street below. Never in my life have I heard such vitriol directed at gays. I could barely take 5 steps without hearing some ignorant moron utter something to the effect of, "fucking fags, I fucking hate the castro".


I don't like shoving my hand into a deep fryer....SO I DON'T DO IT!!!!!

Granted this was my first Halloween in the Castro and though I was told to expect a large straight/unruly crowd, I was shocked at the train wreck that we were navigating through. Perhaps next year the price of admittance should be a that you have to blow the person you come with. That might weed out the ignoramuses.

Of course the night had to be topped of with some unnecessary gun violence.

So here's my no brainer theory as to why these "people" show up and cause problems. What do humans do when they're curious about something? They look into it. What do humans do when they feel guilty or embarrassed about looking into it? They lash out. SO...all of our gay bashing party goers just can't accept the fact that they want something shoved up their ass. Deal with it people....or don't show up to our events. I pity you.


Blogger MB said...

Unbelievable, Nick. Simply unbelievable....that the origins of the Castro Halloween party have been completely forgotten and now it's become another violent, abusive hetero-fest like all the others.

Glad to hear you survived it bullet-hole-free though.

PS: your theory on the love/hate relationship straight men have with their buttholes is completely accurate. I think there's even scientific evidence to back it up. *wink*

3:27 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Halloween in the Castro has had a dangerous feeling every time I've gone, but I've never been confronted by that sort of homophobia. Between that and the gunshots, it sounds like a good year to have skipped it.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Here here. I hope this was the last of offical Castro Street Halloweens. The weekend before was fun. That mess last night was awful. This is why I was so negative about it as we headed down there. It was lieke that last year too. So unfortunate.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Will said...

We had trouble here in Salem, an iconic city for Halloween parties because of the witch hysteria in 1690. Stabbings, beatings, gay men being insulted (of course Salem is no Castro in terms of a big gay population). There were lots of arrests and hospitalizations.

I think the mood of the country is very angry now. Sad.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jimmi said...

Yeah this is just the limit! Now I read that someone threw a bottle at someone and the person got hit so someone from that group whipped out a gun and started shooting. The ages of these people ranged from 15 to 25. What are people thinking??? I don't get it! Im glad you guys are all ok!


P.S. Thaks for adding me on your blogroll, I feel so honored, (In Cher's Voice) Ohhhhhhhhhhhh

8:17 PM  
Blogger Kalv1n said...

I really wish there was a screening process like they have for Mecca. No BREEDERS (just like they don't let in non-muslims). Where is our sanctuary. What bothers me most of all is it seems to rip away from us one of the few sanctuaries that we have, and how capricious and easily they can do it, and how we don't seem to care.

4:52 PM  

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